Saturday, October 9, 2010

How time flies

Well it's been a very very long time sense I've been on a blog. In fact I was just surfing the net and I came across my old blogs for hen I was 18. My how I've changed. I actually tried to log into one of them but I can't seem to remember the password for the life of me. Anyway let me start from the beginning of my so called grown up life now...

I'm Shannon as I'm sure you already know. I live In Myrtle Beach SC with me two kids and my boyfriend. I have been here for about 4 years. If you have read my old blogs you will probably see that those posting where when I was dating my kids father. Many many years and headaches ago. I am actually no longer with him. We both decided a long time ago being together just wasn't right. Anyway I am now dating the MOST amazing man I have EVER met (Irvin Stutzman). He is sweet, kind, selfless, and hopelessly romantic. Ok now back to my kids. Like I said I have two kids... boys actually and they are BAD. lol I love them more then anything in this world but sometimes I feel like they wish I would drop of the face of earth. My oldest Rian is my heart but lately it feels like he hates me and I don't understand why. He tells me he is jealous but when I try to give him more of my time he acts like a fool and gets in trouble. There's not winning with him and it's breaking my heart because I love him so much. Now my baby Gabriel he is a absolute mess lol. He is pretty calm and laid back. He is also very funny and loves to make people laugh.

Anywho, I believe last time I blogged there really wasn't much going on in my life as far as education goes. Well guess what... I am in college... yeah I know Shannon in college it ain't possible. I actually have been in college for 3.5 years now and I am getting very sick of it. I feel like I may be spending the rest of my life there. The reason I am going to college is so I can become a RN and better support my children and myself. I am working as a caregiver/CNA right now and its pretty cool but I want something more. I also would love to be able to go to med school for neurology.

Well I have to stop posting right now because I have to start work. Good bye

1 comment:

  1. SPAMMY-SPAM-SPAM-SPAM! My Blog is, everyone! =D

    But no, glad to see you back at it. I realized recently how much I miss writing.
    You look like a toddler in your picture on here. Was that when we were together? Was I a pedophile?
